Life is like a marathon. You don’t need to run for the first to enjoy things passing by. You will finish the path and reach the line anyway. The inner self of you will lead you in a healthy and happy life, physically as well as psychologically. It is a good idea to continuously absorb various wisdom to benefit mental growth.
Art is such supplemental for life and a crystallization of culture. It is another good idea to lean with viewing quality arts beside input those heavy-loaded textbooks into brain. Arts reading is an intuitive method to interpret conceptual things.
Standard education from previous century is for the “First Industrialization” that makes everyone into the same mode, a robotic calculation . Each one is just like a part of the collective, a small part of large machinery. The smooth-running of the machine is more vital than the humans nature. Culture could be discarded but the capital interests cannot be neglected. When the world goes larger, the freedom of individual however reduced!
Now, in the 21st century, it is the age of digital and A.I. Everyone is trying to envision how the new economy system run in a globalization and culture-diversified world. Has your traditional education paid off for your career? Do you still want to dance in that outdated ball?
The scientific method is still the dominated belief in present age. Does the analysis of science go into the depths of humans soul? How the relationship between human and other species goes harmoniously? Does over consumption of environment result in ecological imbalance? Will those issues relay on wisdom of next generation to answer?
Before answering all the new questions, however, the individual’s personal questions are easy to resolve. Fear comes from the undefined things . Knowledge is the power. The best way to absorb knowledge is through expanding life experience realistically. Before entering the global community, the first effort to develop self confidence is increase understanding of the reality and the bottom line of tolerance? To understand the world of new things rationally, individual is encouraged to equip with only four skills such as lessening, speaking, reading and writing toward knowledge. Furthermore, it is better to find a good coach, go with some good souls and away from bed influence. Plus, you can learn how to master a tool. That is another journey of the practicing and collaborating brain and hands constantly.
iNGO Academy does not oppose the growing mechanization of social development, but instead tries to preserve the value of humanity, the souls attached to mechanical operations. iNGO Academy offers an environment to experience and learn arts for new perspective. It could be a new enlightenment in the 21st century. It also provides an opportunity to those who had missed shuttle bus to catch up new one. Also, if you have a kids,our recommendation for you is that don’t let them stay in traditional education system too long. That will kill their creativity.
The Taosidency and Vision Coin Course are ready for people who want rightfully step into international community. It is an experiencing compound for global post-industrialized talents. welcome to join this project to invest a visionary life.
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